Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sweet Love

I know my husband loves me.
How do I know?
All the valentines
Told me so....

I awoke this morning to a pleasant surprise (and the answer as to why he got to bed at 2:30 this morning).

I first saw a single napkin rose sitting on the tube of toothpaste.

Then I got the main surprise as I headed into the living room.

It wasn't until after I took the pictures that I discovered what was inside. Each paper napkin rose and each paper napkin heart contained a bite-sized peanut butter cup (YUM!) - two dozen total.

The big heart actually held a bag of Jax cheese puffs; another favorite of mine.

It's little things done with Love and knowing what makes a person happy that speaks more than any high-end, store-bought item.

I know how lucky I am to have such a caring person in my life. :D


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