Sunday, February 21, 2010


There is something I have never told another, though I've written it often in my journal. So I have cause to dance with words a bit prior to saying what I want to say... I can be shy about things close to my heart.

Over the years, I've come to realize that God is not the Father-Son-Spirit in the way I learned as a child. There is Yeshua/Jesus who is both fully human Son as well as truly One with God. But God "the Father" isn't some old, white-haired, white-bearded guy sitting on a cloud far over our heads looking down to watch us. And the Holy Spirit is not some red flame burning in a candle holder bracketed to the wall of the church.

These are illustrations. They are metaphors. These are simple ways to explain to a child what God is.

I am no longer a child.

God is UNKNOWABLE. God is so far outside our comprehension that we can never achieve anything close to knowing what God is.

But we can and do experience various parts / manifestations / touches / expressions of God. Many of these have found their ways into the various religions of humanity. But these are, in themselves, not the full understanding of God.

While I am Christian and grew up with Catholic teachings about the Trinity, my understanding has grown and expanded to include this. Also my relationship with God has changed.

As a male human, Yeshua/Jesus would relate to God as Father, which was the teacher, the protector and head of the family unit in His time. I've wondered if the old, white-bearded image we have of God the Father is a reflection of some wise Rabbi-like image from Christ's days here.

But God is not male. God is not female. God is neither and both simultaneously. (Wrap your head around that a moment).

Now, as a female human, I do have the concept of God the Father when I pray, listen and speak with God at times. But I grew up in the late 20th century, a world where women played as much a dominant role in the workplace and homes, sometimes the only role model in some families.

Plus, let's face it, it's hard to speak to a Father about my first menstrual period, my experiences with a pregnancy, the agony of a miscarriage, the "squishyness" of a mammography, pain from ovarian cysts, concerns over cervical cancer, and gripes about natural changes and the roller-coaster of menopause. That is better suited to sharing with a Mother.

Yeshua/Jesus called God "Abba", which more precisely translated is "Daddy". To me, God is both Father and Mother. But "O Holy Parent" is a bit distant and formal. Not something I could hold dear in my heart.

So I chose "Pari" which is a familiar, child-like shortening of "Parent" akin to "Mommy" and "Daddy".



  1. Good post. What is God ? For starters how did Jesus refer to God ? He always used the word "Father", but how do you say "Father" in Aramaic ? AB.The "Our Father" starts with the aramaic words "Abwun"
    He used the letter/numbers Aleph-Bayt. That's the key to understanding What "God" is. In Kabbalah the letter Aleph+Bayt combination means the Cosmic Light within. That is what "God" is. That is what Yeshua was also referring to in Luke 17:21 "The Kingdom of God is within" Where and What is God ? Within you, within your neighbor, within that tree, within that rock. Everything is God.

  2. Your post is well written and thought out. The most important teaching that Jesus gave us, other than God is father-mother, are what He said are the two greatest commandments: Love thy God with all thy heart, and all thy mind, and all thy soul; and the 2nd, love thy neighbor as thy love thyself; He went on to say, "On these hang all the Law and Prophets." It is not important to God and Jesus the names mankind has placed upon Them, what IS important to Them is that we obey the Gospel, and especially the Two Greatest Commandments.
